Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Venue: IAB Complex  Sabah Campus
A Full Day Workshop for Selected Maths Secondary School Teachers of Kota Kinabalu District.

The Objectives of this workshop are:
1. To introduce 21st century T & L 
2. To have a hands-on application of some of the approaches
3. To promote Professional Learning amongst the teachers of 21 different secondary schools
Participants of the workshop arguing the pros and cons of collaborative approach in learning using Thinking Hats methods.

 27 teachers attended this workshop and the feedback collected thru goggle form were very motivating.
Workshops on 21st century T & L for Maths and Science teacher
@ SM Maktab Sabah,
2.00-4.00 pm
Methods introduced were Jigsaw, Think Pair and Share and Round table. 
 The use of trafic lights as classroom control was also incorporated.

 It was a hands-on approach so the teachers could decide what alteration  they can adopt to best suit their lessons, students level  and environment.

Workshop for 21st century teaching tools for a more collaborative and enggaging lesson.

Venue : SMK Taman Tun Fuad, Bukit Padang
Time   :
Attendees: All teaching staff of SMK TAman Tun Fuad

 the teacher had a hands on  activities on how to prepare teaching materials using Padlet and Popplet. The fèedback was good because they can see straight away it's uses as collaberative tools.


Introduction of the 5 Strands in  Mathematical Proficiency to the Maths panel 

Sharing of non routine questions and HOTS activities in Mathematics classes

Official opening of 21st century class at SMK Tebobon